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For O-1B purposes, extraordinary ability is defined as “distinction” in the arts. As with O-1A, distinction can be shown through a one-time major achievement such as an Academy Award, Emmy, Director’s Guild Award, or evidence of at least three of the following:

Performed and will perform services as a lead or starring participant in productions or events which have a distinguished reputation as evidenced by reviews, advertisements, publicity releases, publications, contracts, or endorsements;

Performed and will perform in a lead, starring, or critical role for organizations and establishments that have a distinguished reputation evidenced by articles in newspapers, trade journals, publications, or testimonials;

Achieved national or international recognition for achievements, as shown by critical reviews or other published materials by or about you in major newspapers, trade journals, magazines, or other publications;

A record of major commercial or critically acclaimed successes, as shown by such indicators of title, rating, or standing in the field, box office receipts, motion picture or television ratings and other occupational achievements reported in trade journals, major newspapers, or other publications;

Received significant recognition for achievements from organizations, critics, government agencies or other recognized experts in the field in which you are engaged, with the testimonials clearly indicating the author’s authority, expertise, and knowledge of the alien’s achievements;

A high salary or other substantial remuneration for services in relation to others in the field, as shown by contracts or other reliable evidence.

If the above standards do not readily apply to your occupation in the arts, the petitioner may submit comparable evidence in order to establish your eligibility (this does not apply to the motion picture or television industry).


O-1B签证就是我们常说的“艺术杰出人才签证”。作为短期非移民的工作签证,O-1B适用于被雇佣的在艺术, 建筑,电视电影产业等领域有杰出能力的人才在美国境内继续从事与其专业领域相关的工作。





雇佣合同(Employment Agreement): 由申请人和受益人订立的书面雇佣合同。

行程计划(Itinerary):受益人需要列举其在O-1B有效期内(比如3年),计划参见的项目介绍、项目的起始及结束日期。比如一个Graphic Designer, 需要提供证据表明,其3年内将要做的项目,比如帮雇主设计手机App图片,做雇主某一个项目的海报等等。

行业咨询意见信(Advisory opinion):申请人在递交申请之前应从同行组织(peer groups),劳工组织(labor organizations)或申请人能力领域内的管理组织(management organizations)处获得咨询意见。此咨询意见主要是表示,他们同意在美国为你提供此类工作,并确认你符合“杰出”标准。如果申请人证明不存在适当的咨询实体,则不需要咨询意见。

其他相关证据(Evidence):要满足O-1B签证的要求,该外国人必须证明自己获得被提名过领域内的重要大奖,如奥斯卡(Academy Award)、艾美奖(Emmy)、格莱美奖(Grammy)、导演协会奖(Director’s Guild Award)等。如果没有获得这些奖项或被提名,则需要提交证据,表明自己至少符合文章第一点中提到的3点特殊技能。

2019/6/13 | Tags: | 美国签证 | 查看评论(0)

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