01 疫情期间,在华留学生Tom在境外社交媒体发布谣言造成恶劣影响后,被学校按规定开除学籍。当地公安出入境机关除了依法注销其学习居留许可外,还可能对他作出何种决定?
01 During the epidemic, Tom, an international student in China, was expelled from the school according to regulations after he posted rumors on overseas social media, which caused a bad impact. In addition to canceling his study and residence permit in accordance with the law, what kind of decision may the local public security entry and exit agency make against him?
A: Departure within a limited time
Article 81 Paragraph 1 of the Exit and Entry Administration Law
Foreigners who engage in activities that are inconsistent with the reasons for stay or residence, or have other circumstances that violate Chinese laws and regulations and are not suitable for continued stay or residence in China, may be subject to a time limit to leave the country.
02 After being given a time limit to leave the country, Tom refused to leave the country, what else might he be dealt with next?
A: Repatriation
Article 62 of the Exit and Entry Administration Law
Foreigners can be deported out of the country under any of the following circumstances:
(1) Being sentenced to leave the country within a specified time limit and failing to leave the country within the specified time limit;
(2) There are circumstances where entry is not allowed;
(3) Illegal residence or illegal employment;
(4) Violating this law or other laws or administrative regulations and requiring repatriation.
Other overseas personnel who have one of the circumstances listed in the preceding paragraph may be repatriate out of the country in accordance with the law.
03 另一名外国人Jerry因刑事违法被依法判处有期徒刑并处罚金,人民法院还可能对他作出何种刑罚?
03 Another foreigner, Jerry, was sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment and fined for criminal violations. What kind of punishment might the people's court impose on him?
A: Deportation
Article 35 of the Criminal Law
For foreigners who commit crimes, deportation can be applied independently or additionally.
From the above quiz, we can see that there are three types of penalties related to "Exit". Then, what are the connections and differences between them? Today, let's sort out the three legal terms related to "Exit".
Departure within a limited time
The time limit for leaving the country is applicable to foreigners who violate public security management. It is an additional punishment for public security management penalties and belongs to an administrative penalty. It means to give the punished person a clear deadline to leave the country, restrict him to leave before the stipulated deadline arrives, and does not take coercive measures against the offender.
Article 33 of the Regulations of the People's Republic of China on the Administration of the Entry and Exit of Aliens stipulates:
If a foreigner is decided to leave the country within a time limit, the agency that made the decision shall, after canceling or confiscating his original exit and entry documents, complete the formalities for his stay and limit the time limit for leaving the country. The longest time limit for exit shall not exceed 15 days.
However, if the party concerned cannot leave the country within the prescribed time limit after receiving the decision to leave the country within a specified time limit, he can take repatriation. Repatriation may take compulsory measures such as forcible removal from the party. But note that the "repatriation" here is different from the deportation in the "criminal law", and it still belongs to the category of "administrative punishment".
Repatriation refers to a penalty method for forcing a criminal foreigner to leave China. For foreigners who commit crimes, repatriation can be applied independently or additionally. Our country is an independent sovereign country, and all foreigners in our country must abide by our laws. If the criminal foreigner's continued residence in our country is harmful to the interests of our country and the people, the people's court can sentence them individually or additionally sentence them to repatriation to eliminate the possibility of them continuing to commit crimes in our country.
Points for attention in the execution of repatriation:
(1) All documents permitting residence in my country held by expelled foreigners shall be confiscated. For foreigners who are repatriated from the country, the enforcement agency must check their valid passports or other identity documents that replace their passports, as well as valid visas of the transit country or region.
(2) The cost of air tickets, bus tickets, and ferry tickets for foreigners who are repatriated shall be borne by themselves. If the person cannot afford it, nor does it belong to the travel expenses provided by the Chinese unit in accordance with the agreement, it must be settled by the embassy or consulate of the country. If the embassy or consulate refuses to bear the expenses or if there is no embassy or consulate in my country, the Chinese government shall bear it.
(3) The public security organ responsible for the specific execution shall immediately execute it within the determined time limit.
(4) For foreigners who are repatriated, the port of departure shall be determined in advance and arrangements shall be made nearby. The enforcement agency shall contact the public security agency at the exit port and the border inspection station in advance. Announce the situation of the persons who are repatriated, the time of arrival at the port, the number of vehicles, the number of the departure flight, the number of trains, and the time, and other matters related to the implementation of assistance. The public security organs and border checkpoints at exit ports shall assist in arranging relevant exit matters.
(5) The executive officer shall supervise the expelled foreigners boarding and leaving the country before leaving. Those who leave the country through the border crossing must be supervised to leave the country before leaving.
遣送出境 Deportation
Deportation: The handling of ordinary illegal immigrants is an administrative coercive measure.
Article 62 of the Exit and Entry Administration Law of the People's Republic of China stipulates:
Foreigners can be deported out of the country under any of the following circumstances:
(1) Being sentenced to leave the country within a specified time limit and failing to leave the country within the specified time limit;
(2) There are circumstances where entry is not allowed;
(3) Illegal residence or illegal employment;
(4) Violating this law or other laws or administrative regulations and requiring deportation.
Other overseas personnel who have one of the circumstances listed in the preceding paragraph may be deported out of the country according to law. Persons deported from the country shall not be allowed to enter the country within one to five years from the date of deportation.
Article 32 of the Regulations of the People's Republic of China on the Administration of the Entry and Exit of Aliens:
The expenses required for the deportation of foreigners shall be borne by themselves. If the person cannot afford it, the illegal employment shall be borne by the illegal employment unit or individual; in other circumstances, it shall be borne by the unit or individual that provides guarantee measures for foreigners’ stay and residence in China. The deportation of foreigners shall be carried out by the public security organs of the local people's governments at or above the county level or the border inspection organs for entry and exit.
注 Note
(1) For a foreigner who is sentenced to an independent application of the deportation penalty, the people's court shall, within 15 days from the effective date of the judgment, submit a copy of the criminal judgment and execution notice to the provincial public security organ in the place where it is located. It shall be executed by the public security agency designated by the provincial public security agency.
(2) If a foreigner sentenced to imprisonment is subject to the additional punishment of deportation after the expiration of his principal sentence, the competent department of the prison in which he was originally detained shall, one month before the expiration of his principal sentence, send the copy or photocopy of his original judgment and notice of execution to the local public security organ at the provincial level. It shall be executed by the public security agency designated by the provincial public security agency.
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