According to the Classification Standards for Foreigners Working in China (for trial implementation), foreigners working in China are divided into three categories: A, B, and C, and classified management is implemented according to the standards.So what are the requirements for foreign language teaching personnel among foreign professionals (category B)?
Mother Tongue Teaching
If a foreigner wants to teach in his native language in China, he needs to meet the following three conditions at the same time:
Engage in teaching in mother tongue
Obtain a bachelor's degree or above (to be certified)
3具有2 年以上语言教育工作经历,或符合以下其中一条条件便可免除2 年工作经历
Have more than 2 years of work experience in language education ,or meeting one of the following conditions can be exempted from 2 years of work experience:
Those who have obtained a bachelor's degree or above in education, language or teacher training (to be certified)
Or obtained the teacher qualification certificate of the host country (to be certified or notarized)
Or those who have obtained a qualified international language teaching certificate:
The qualified international language teaching certificate refers to:
①国家外专局国外人才信息研究中心颁发的TEFL in China 证书;
The TEFL in China certificate issued by the Foreign Talent Information Research Center of the State Administration of Foreign Experts Affairs;
②或经由国外社会培训机构和教育机构培训测试获得国际语言证书的,培训课时需达到120 小时以上,授课内容需涵盖课堂管理、课程计划、语法、词汇学、音系学等语言教师必要技能培训,申请者应同时提供该培训课程的网站相关界面供查询(需认证或公证);
or those who have obtained an international language certificate through the training test of foreign social training institutions and educational institutions, the training period must be more than 120 hours, and the teaching content must cover the necessary skills training of language teachers such as classroom management, curriculum planning, grammar, vocabulary, and phonology.Applicants should also provide the relevant interface of the training course website for inquiries (to be certified or notarized);
Or obtain the relevant international language qualification certificate of a foreign university, the university must be included in the list of foreign institutions (to be certified or notarized) published by the Education Foreign Regulatory Information Network of the Ministry of Education of China.
Teaching in non-native languages
If a foreigner wants to teach in his non-native language in China, he needs to meet one of the following conditions:
Obtain a master's degree or above in national education, language, and teacher training in the native language of the language taught (the degree needs to be certified by a Chinese academic certification agency);
A bachelor’s degree or above, with a national teacher qualification in the native language of the language taught (to be certified or notarized) (the degree needs to be certified by a Chinese academic certification agency);
3取得所教授语言的母语国家博士学位,且具有2 年相关工作经历的(学位需经我国学历认证机构认证)。
Obtained a doctorate degree in the native country of the language taught, and has 2 years of relevant work experience (the degree needs to be certified by a Chinese academic certification agency).
Do you know which countries and regions have English as their mother tongue or first language?
Dahe have compiled the countries and regions where English is the mother tongue or first language around the world, let's take a look~
Ascension, Australia, Bermuda, British Antarctic Territory, British Indian Ocean Territory, Canada, Falkland Islands (ie Malvinas Islands), Gibraltar, Guernsey, Guyana (formerly known as British Guiana), Ireland, Isle of Man (British Irish territorial waters), Jersey, New Zealand, Pitcairn Islands, Singapore, South Africa, Akrotiri in Cyprus and the British territories of De Kelia, South Georgia and South Sangria Wich Islands, St. Helena, Tristan da Cunha, United Kingdom, United States, U.S. Virgin Islands, Antigua and Barbuda, Anguilla, Bahamas, Barbados, British
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