Now China's economy is growing faster and faster. Many foreigners have plans and aspirations to come to China for development, but not all foreigners can come to work in China at will. As we all know, foreigners are required to apply for work visa when they come to work in China, work visa, including work permit and work type residence permit. Foreign talents with work visas are legal to work in China. So what are the conditions to apply for a foreigner's work visa?
Basic conditions for foreigners
1. 申请人必须年满18周岁,身体健康。没有犯罪记录,在境内有确定的用人单位,具有从事其工作所必需的专业技能或相适应的知识水平;
Applicants must be at least 18 years old and in good health. There is no criminal record, there are certain employing units within the territory of China, and they have the necessary professional skills or appropriate knowledge level to engage in their work;
2. 申请人所从事的工作符合中国经济社会发展需要,为国内急需紧缺的专业人才;
The applicant's work is in line with the needs of China's economic and social development, and is urgently needed professional talents in China;
3. 法律法规对外国人来华工作另有规定的,必须从其规定。
Where laws and regulations provide otherwise for foreigners to work in China, they must be followed.
These basic conditions are responsible for the development of domestic enterprises and the country, as well as the selection of certain conditions for foreigners working in China, which to a certain extent ensures the quality level of foreigners.
Conditions for enterprises to employ foreigners
1. 企业属于依法设立,无严重违法失信记录;
The enterprise is established in accordance with the law, and there is no record of serious violation of laws and dishonesty;
2. 聘用外国人从事的岗位应是有特殊需要,国内暂缺适当人选,且不违反国家有关规定的岗位;
The positions that enterprises employ foreigners shall be those with special needs, and there is a temporary shortage of suitable candidates in China, and shall not violate the relevant regulations of the state;
3. 企业所支付聘用外国人的工资、薪金不能低于当地最低工资标准;
The wages and salaries paid by enterprises to employ foreigners shall not be lower than the local minimum wage standard;
4. 法律法规规定应当由行业主管部门前置审批的,需要经过批准;
If the laws and regulations stipulate that the examination and approval shall be carried out in advance by the competent department of the industry, it shall be approved.
For foreigners to work and develop in China, enterprises need to protect their rights and obligations, which is essential.
In addition, at present, foreigners working in China are divided into three categories: foreign high-end talents (Category A), foreign professionals (Category B) and other foreign personnel (Category C).
Foreign high-end talents (Category A)
1. 符合国际公认的专业成就认定标准;
Meet internationally recognized professional achievement recognition standards
2. 入选国内人才引进计划的;
Selected into the domestic talent introduction plan
3. 月薪是当地上一年度社会平均工资的6倍;
The monthly salary is 6 times the local social average of the previous year
4. 优秀青年人才;
Outstanding young talents
5. 创新创业人才;
Innovative and entrepreneurial talents
6. 计点积分在85分以上。
Score points above 85
You can enter the following website to calculate points:
Foreign professionals (Category B)
1. 具有学士及以上学位和2年及以上相关工作经历的外国专业人才;
Bachelor degree or above and 2 years or above relevant working experience
2. 月薪是当地上一年度社会平均工资的4倍;
The monthly salary is 4 times the local social average of the previous year
3. 月薪是当地上一年度社会平均工资的4倍;
Score more than 60 points
You can enter the following website to calculate points:
4. 持有国际通用职业技能资格证书;
Hold the international universal vocational skills qualification certificate
5. 符合国家有关部门规定的专门人员和实施项目的人员;
Specialist and project implementation personnel in line with the provisions of relevant state departments
6. 外国语言教学人员:外国语言教学人员原则上应从事其母语教学,并取得母语国大学学士及以上学位且具有2年以上语言教育工作经验经历;其中教育类、语言类、或师范类学士及以上学位的,或取得所在国教师资格证书或取得符合要求的国际语言TEFL证书的,可免除工作经历要求。
Foreign language teaching staff: In principle, foreign language teaching staff shall be engaged in the teaching of their mother tongue, and obtain a bachelor's degree or above from the University of the mother tongue, and have more than 2 years of experience in language education. Among them, those who have a bachelor's degree or above in education, language, or teacher, or have a teacher qualification certificate or a TEFL Certificate in international language that meets the requirements, can be exempted from the work experience requirements.
Other foreign personnel (Category C)
1. 在旧的政策下已经获得了就业证,但是延期不符合A、B人员的标准;
Employment permit has been obtained under the old policy, but the extension does not meet the standards for A,B personnel
2. 近2年内毕业于国外知名大学。
Graduated from a well-known foreign university in the past two years
The above are the conditions for foreigners to apply for work visas, meet the requirements for foreigners and meet the requirements for enterprises to employ foreigners. The visa classification of foreigners in the new policy is relatively detailed, which improves the threshold of entry visas for all kinds of talents, effectively guarantees the quality of foreign talents entering China, and is more conducive to the cultivation of foreign talents!
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