On March 8, 2023, China officially joined the Convention on the Cancellation of the Certification Requirements for Foreign Official Documents (also known as Apostille), which came into effect on November 7, 2023.
After joining the Apostille, it will greatly facilitate cross-border companies and individuals to handle various types of certification documents for overseas use. Originally, it may take more than 20 working days to process a certification document for overseas use, but after joining the Convention, it will be reduced to only 3-6 working days. The overall document certification efficiency will be improved by more than 70%, and the cost will be reduced by about 70%; It has also simplified the process of applying for visas and work permits for cross-border enterprise employees, benefiting approximately 70% of export related business documents.
什么是海牙认证?What is Apostille?
Apostille refers to the certification system for public documents in accordance with the Hague Convention, specifically referring to the process and results of specific official institutions confirming the authenticity of signatures and seals made by their competent authorities on official documents, which are mutually recognized between signatory countries. It is a specific type of "certification".
Before October 5, 1961, if the document needed to be used across borders, consular authentication (double authentication) procedures were required. The document was first notarized by a notary office, then sent to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and finally sent to the embassy or consulate. This process requires three certifications, which is cumbersome and time-consuming.
In order to simplify the authentication process, shorten time and improve efficiency, the draft Convention on the Cancellation of Certification Requirements for Foreign Official Documents was passed in The Hague, Netherlands in 1961, and it was decided to enter into force on January 24, 1965. Hence the Apostille, and thereafter, when documents were circulated among member states, consular certification was not required, only certification by the competent authority was required.
二、海牙认证流程 Apostille Process
海牙认证流程 Apostille Process:
准备认证材料 --> 公证人公证 --> 主管机构认证 --> 领取认证文件
Prepare certification materials ->Notary public notarization ->Certification by competent authorities ->Receive certification documents
he main process for handling Apostille in various countries/regions is basically the same, with the main difference being that the competent authorities responsible for handling Apostille in each country/region are different:
1. 中国海牙认证主管机构:中国外交部及外交部授权的各省市外事办公室
2. 中国香港海牙认证主管机构:香港高等法院
3. 中国澳门海牙认证主管机构:澳门法务局
4. 美国海牙认证主管机构:
5. 英国海牙认证主管机构:英国外交部
6. 新加坡海牙认证主管机构:新加坡法律学会、海牙认证办公室
1. The Apostille Authority in China: The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China and the Foreign Affairs Offices of various provinces and cities authorized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
2. The Apostille Authority in Hong Kong, China: The High Court of Hong Kong
3. The Apostille Authority in Macau, China: Macau Legal Bureau
4. The Apostille Authority in the United States:
Documents issued by individual US residents and state governments, certified by the Secretary of State in The Hague
Documents issued by the federal government are certified by the US State Department in The Hague
5. The Apostille Authority: The UK Department of Foreign Affairs
6. Apostille Authority in Singapore: Singapore Law Society, Apostille Office
三、海牙认证注意事项Apostille Considerations
1. 香港文书在国内使用只需办理律师公证即可,无需走海牙认证,相对更加便捷。
2. 如需翻译件,可先翻译文件,将副本和翻译件一起公证,再进行海牙认证;或先办理公证和海牙认证,到使用国翻译并对翻译件公证;部分地区主管机构也可以采用双语或者小语种加签。
3. 费用主要包括公证费用(公证处收取的费用)、认证费用(海牙认证主管机构收取的费用)及快递费用等,各国家地区的收费会有差异。
4. 海牙认证后文件是长期有效,但根据以往的经验,通常使用机构会要求出具近半年的海牙认证文件。在使用中不同机构对认证时间要求不同,较为宽松的,可以出具近一年的海牙认证文件。
1. Hong Kong documents can only be notarized by a lawyer for use in China, without the need for Apostille, which is relatively more convenient.
2. If a translation is required, the document can be translated first, and the copy and translation can be notarized together before undergoing Apostille; Alternatively, notarization and Apostille can be obtained first, followed by translation to the country of use and notarization of the translated documents; Some regional regulatory agencies can also use bilingual or multilingual signatures.
3. The fees mainly include notarization fees (fees charged by the notary office), certification fees (fees charged by the Apostille authority), and courier fees. The fees may vary by country or region.
4. The Hague certified documents are valid for a long time, but based on past experience, institutions typically require the issuance of Hague certified documents for the past six months. In use, different institutions have different requirements for certification time, and for those with relatively loose requirements, they can issue Apostille documents for the past year.
The difference between Apostille and consular authentication
The Apostille and consular authentication are both authentication systems aimed at achieving the exchange of domestic and foreign documents. Both only authenticate the signature/seal of the document issuer, rather than the content of the document. But there are the following differences between the two:
1. 认证流程与时间周期不同
The certification process and time cycle are different
The Apostille only requires certification by the competent authority, while consular authentication after being authenticated by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs also requires authentication by the embassy or consulate (both Apostille and consular authentication require notarization of the documents in advance). Apostille usually takes 3-6 working days to complete, while consular authentication takes about 20 working days.
Therefore, compared to consular authentication, The Apostille process is relatively simple, with a short cycle and low cost.
2. 使用范围不同Different usage ranges
The Apostille can be used in all Hague member countries and countries that have not joined but recognize the Hague Convention, while consular certification can only be used in one country of the destination country for processing.
Therefore, when applying for document authentication, if the document is circulated between countries under the Hague Convention, we can choose to apply for Apostille; If one of the parties involved is a non Hague Convention country, consular authentication is required.
3. 文件样式不同Different file styles
Sample Apostille Document: (Hong Kong High Court Certification and Signature Document)
(Example of Hong Kong High Court Certification and Signing)
Sample Consular Authentication Document: (Consular Authentication Document of the Chinese Embassy in the UK)
(Sample of Consular Authentication Documents from the Chinese Embassy in the UK)
What are the scope of documents certified by Apostille
1. 公司文件 Company documents
Company registration certificate, articles of association, meeting minutes, company registration documents, legal personality, contract, authorization letter, declaration letter, certificate, appointment letter, trademark certificate, asset certificate, credit certificate, invoice, certificate of origin, customs declaration, product certificate, product introduction, etc.
2. 个人文件 Personal files
Green card, passport, transcript, educational certificate, professional qualification certificate, authorization letter, declaration letter, invitation letter, property certificate, birth certificate, marriage certificate, divorce certificate, single certificate, judgment, criminal record, medical certificate, kinship, death certificate, will, etc.
What are the countries that have joined the Apostille
The following is the latest list of contracting parties to the Convention on the Cancellation of Certification Requirements for Foreign Official Documents (as of October 31, 2023).
亚洲 Asia (22):
China, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bahrain, Brunei, Georgia, India, Indonesia, Israel, Japan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia, Oman, Pakistan, Philippines, South Korea, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Tajikistan, Türkiye, Uzbekistan
非洲 Africa(16):
Botswana, Burundi, Cape Verde, Eswatini, Lesotho, Liberia, Malawi, Mauritius, Morocco, Namibia, Rwanda, Sao Tome and Principe, Senegal, Seychelles, South Africa, Tunisia
欧洲 Europe (44):
Albania, Andorra, Austria, Belarus, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Monaco, Montenegro, Netherlands, North Macedonia, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Moldova Romania, Russia, San Marino, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Ukraine, United Kingdom
北美洲 North America (21):
Antigua and Barbuda, Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, Canada, Costa Rica, Dominica, Dominica, El Salvador, Grenada, Guatemala, Honduras, Jamaica, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Trinidad and Tobago, USA
南美洲 South America (12):
Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Guyana, Paraguay, Peru, Suriname, Uruguay, Venezuela
大洋洲 Oceania (10):
Australia, Cook Islands, Fiji, Marshall Islands, New Zealand, Niue, Palau, Samoa, Tonga, Vanuatu
Note 1: On January 11, 2024, the Apostille will enter into force for Canada, and the Apostille will apply between China and Canada on that day. On June 5, 2024, the Apostille will enter into force for Rwanda, and the application of the Apostille between China and Rwanda will begin on that day.
Note 2: China does not apply the Apostille to its members who do not recognize the status of sovereign states.
Note 3: The Apostille is not applicable between China and India.
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