We know that foreigners work in China is classified, the work permits are divided into A, B, C three categories, according to the standard classification management. But many expats still don't know exactly what constitutes high-end talent.
一、入选国内人才引进计划的Selected into the domestic talent introduction plan
Candidates who have passed the talent introduction plan drawn up by relevant departments
二、符合国际公认的专业成就认定标准的 In accordance with internationally recognized standards of professional achievement
主要分为四大类There are four main categories:
1、科技类science and technology
International scientific award winners, researchers, etc.
2、杰出管理类Outstanding management
Senior executives of Fortune 500 companies in the world, heads of international research institutes, senior researchers, etc.
3、文化艺术类Culture and art
World famous experts or senior managers in the field of music, art, film, literature, etc.
Winners of World Cup, World Championships and other important international competitions
三、符合市场导向的鼓励类岗位需求的外国人才Foreign talents who meet the needs of market-oriented encouraged positions
1. 世界500强企业全球或者地区总部、高新技术企业、大型企业、聘用的具有高级管理或者技术职务的人员
Personnel employed by the global or regional headquarters of the world's top 500 enterprises, high-tech enterprises, large enterprises, with senior management or technical positions
2. 国内外中型企业聘用的具有高级管理或技术职务的人员或符合相关条件的首席技术专家。
Personnel with senior management or technical positions employed by domestic and foreign medium-sized enterprises or chief technical experts who meet relevant conditions.
3. 国内三甲综合医院或者副省级以上城市专科医院高级管理或技术职务人员。
Senior management or technical personnel in the country's top three general hospitals or sub-provincial municipal specialized hospitals.
4. 担任高等院校、科研机构高层以上管理职芻或副教授、副研究员及职业校髙级讲师、高级实习指导教师等副高级以上专业技术职务人员。
Serve as a senior management position or associate professor, associate researcher, and vocational school senior lecturer, senior internship guidance teacher or other deputy senior professional and technical personnel in higher education institutions or research institutions.
四、创新创业人才 Innovative and entrepreneurial talents
1. 以拥有的重大技术发明、专利等自主知识产权或专有技术出资,连续三年投资情况稳定、企业实际投资累计不低于50万美元、个人股份不低于30%的企业创始人。
The founder of the company who invests in major technological inventions, patents and other independent intellectual property rights or proprietary technology, has a stable investment situation for three consecutive years, and the actual investment of the company is not less than 500,000 US dollars, and the personal shares are not less than 30%.
2. 以拥有的重大技术发明、专利等自主知识产权或专有技术出资,连续三年年销售额1000万元人民币以上或年纳税额100万元人民币以上的企业董事长、法定代表人、总经理或首席技术专家。
The chairman, legal representative, general manager or chief technical expert of an enterprise with independent intellectual property rights or proprietary technology such as major technical inventions and patents, and annual sales of more than 10 million yuan or annual tax payment of more than 1 million yuan for three consecutive years.
3. 列入省级有关部门制定的创新企业清单或科创职业清单的单位聘请的具有高级管理或技术职务的人员。
Personnel with senior management or technical positions employed by the units listed in the list of innovative enterprises or the list of scientific and technological innovation occupations formulated by the relevant provincial departments.
五、优秀青年人才Outstanding young talents
Young talents under the age of 40 who are engaged in postdoctoral research in high-level foreign universities (subject to the list of world famous universities determined in the "Management and Service System for Foreigners' Work in China" of the State Administration of Foreign Experts Affairs) or universities in China.
六、计点积分在85分以上的The point score is above 85 points
Refers to scoring based on educational background, Chinese proficiency, work experience, salary, and other factors. A total score of 85 or above is sufficient to apply for category A talent.
合并起来美国签证找大鹤 微信号:usadahe
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