
我们来了解一下,外国人来到中国,想在中国工作,怎样申请工作签证?Let's learn about how foreigners who come to China and want to work in China can apply for a work visa?一、外籍人士的职场路比中国员工繁琐得多The career path for foreigners is much more complicated than for Chinese employees早上10点上班打卡,晚上7点准时下班,周六日双休。这是法国人汤姆在中国的工作日常。汤姆已经在一家旅游公司工作了5年,负责中国和欧洲的旅游线路咨询事宜。Clock in at 10 am, leave on time at 7 pm, and have weekends on Saturdays and Sundays. This is the daily work of French Tom in China. Tom has been working for a tou...