
“三非外国人”是指下列三种违法行为:The “Three-Illegals” refer to the following three illegal activities:1. Illegal residence: People who have an illegal visa (expired visa or no visa)1. 非法居留:持有非法签证的人(签证过期或无签证)2. Illegal work: People who work here without a work permit or a wrong work permit2. 非法就业:没有工作许可证或工作许可证有问题,依然私自从事工作的人。3. Illegal entry: People who enter China without any legal documents or didn’t enter through a legal Chinese port of entry3. 非法入境:无合法证件或未经合法途径入境中国口岸的人员。What are the social hazards of “T...