
2023年3月8日,中国正式加入《取消外国公文书认证要求的公约》(又称《海牙公约》),2023年11月7日正式生效实施。大家好!我是美国签证找大鹤,今天的话题是:海牙认证办理流程及怎么使用全攻略。On March 8, 2023, China officially joined the Convention on the Cancellation of the Certification Requirements for Foreign Official Documents (also known as Apostille), which came into effect on November 7, 2023.加入海牙公约后,将大大方便跨境公司以及个人办理各类出国使用的认证文书,原本办理一份出国使用的认证文书可能需要20个工作日以上,加入公约后将缩减至仅需3-6个工作日即可,整体文件认证效率提升70%以上,费用成本降低7...


众所周知的一件事情是:外国人在华工作,无论是外国人本人还是雇佣外国人的在华企业,都要提前规划工作许可申请相关事宜。否则,就有非法就业非法用工的相关处罚风险。持有工作许可证及工作居留许可的外国人才能合法在中国工作。但关于工作许可规划的原则你了解多少?大鹤为大家做详细分析解读。It is a well-known fact that when foreigners work in China, both the foreigners themselves and the enterprises in China that employ foreigners must plan the work permit application in advance. Otherwise, there will be punishment risks related to illegal employment and illegal employment. Foreigners with work permits and work...


近年来,随着劳务人员工资的提升,不少用工单位或者个人出于用工成本考虑,聘用外国人在华打“黑工”,殊不知自己已在违法的路上越走越远。现在正处疫情高发期,这类人通过非法途径入境,并没有经过边检和海关的检查,有疫情传播风险,会影响我们正常的工作生活。房东与工厂负责人更是有责任积极举报与拒绝偷渡人员的入住与工作,否则将涉嫌违法。In recent years, with the increase of the wages of labor workers, many employing units or individuals hire foreigners to work in China for "illegal work" out of the consideration of labor costs, unaware that they have gone further and further on the road of breaking t...


外国人在中国工作需要办理工作许可证和工作类居留许可,如果工作变动,工作许可证还能继续使用吗?大鹤给大家整理了一些常见的问题,为大家进行解答及分享。Foreigners working in China need to apply for a work permit and a work-type residence permit. Can the work permit continue to be used if the job changes? Dahe has sorted out some common questions for you to share as below.外国人工作签证转聘常见问题什么是“外国人工作许可证”转聘?What is "Foreigner Work Permit" transfer?《外国人工作许可证》是外国人在中国工作的合法证件。在华工作的外国人变换用人单位,就需要办理工作许可证的转聘。Foreigner Work ...


近期来华签证放宽申请条件后,很多外籍人士考虑在国内就业,以此同时很多企业未曾招聘过外籍人员,同时企业在招聘外籍员工时也将碰到一系列问题,如何避免一不小心就有可能构成非法用工的情况呢?Recently, after relaxing the application conditions for visas to China, many foreigners are considering to work in China. Meanwhile, many enterprises have not recruited foreign personnel before. Thus they will encounter a series of problems when recruiting foreign employees. How to avoid the situation that may constitute illegal employment if they are not careful?下面就大鹤来为大家讲解,如果要外籍人士要在企业合法...


外国人离职是否该办理工作许可注销?延期时发现许可证丢失怎么办?大鹤给大家整理了一些工作许可延期及注销常见的问题,为大家进行解答及分享。Should a foreigner cancel his/her work permit when he/she leaves company? What if work permit is lost during the extension? Dahe has sorted out some common questions about work permit extension and cancellation for you as below.一、外国人工作许可证即将到期,如不再续签需要做注销吗?If a foreigner's work permit is about to expire, will it needs to be canceled if both employer and foreigner do not extend the contract any more?1、如用人单位或外国人不再续签合同,...


公安机关出入境管理机构对有下列情形之一的外国人,不予批准签证和居留证件的延期、换发、补发,不予签发停留证件:The Exit and Entry Administration of the public security organ shall not approve the extension, replacement or reissuance of visas or residence permits or issue stay permits to foreigners under any of the following circumstances:(一)不能按照规定提供申请材料的(比如外籍华人续签签证需提供户籍注销证明材料);Those who cannot provide application materials in accordance with regulations (for example, Chinese nationals of foreign origin need to provide household registration cancellation cer...


个体户或公民个人可以聘用外国人吗?Can self-employed or individual citizens hire foreigners?《外国人在中国就业管理规定》第三十四条规定,禁止个体经济组织和公民个人聘用外国人。Article 34 of the Regulations on the Administration of Foreigners' Employment in China stipulates that individual economic organizations and individual citizens are prohibited from employing foreigners.


对违规聘用外国人的用人单位及非法就业的外国人怎样处罚?How to punish employers who employ foreigners in violation of regulations and foreigners who are employed illegally?对未申领《外国人工作许可证》擅自就业的外国人和未办理《外国人工作许可通知》擅自聘用外国人的用人单位,由公安机关按《中华人民共和国外国人入境出境管理法实施细则》第四十四条规定处理。具体为:对未经批准私自谋职的外国人,在终止其任职或就业的同时,可以处1000元以下的罚款;情节严重的,并处限期出境。对私自雇用外国人的单位和个人,在终止其雇用行为的同时,可以处5000元以上,50000元以下的罚款,并责令其承担遣送私自雇用的外国人的全部费用。Forei...