临时住宿登记是外国人入境中国后必须做的一件事。无论根据《中华人民共和国出境入境管理法》第三十九条第二款规定,外国人在旅馆以外场所居住或住宿的,入住后的二十四小时内必须申报住宿登记,否则将给予警告同时可以处以二千元以下罚款。Temporary accommodation registration is a must for foreigners entering China, in accordance with paragraph 2 of acticle 39 of the <Exit and Entry Administration law of the People’s Republic of China>, foreigners who reside or lodge in places other than hotels must report their acommodation and registration within 24 hours after check-in. Otherwise, a warning will be gi...
我们都知道,首次新办外国人来华工作许可时,按照薪资条款(社会平均工资的四倍或者六倍),以及积分上报的的情况,在第二年延期时都会要求提供其在该公司工作的近一年个人完税证明或者是薪资流水,以证明其实际在该公司工作。如无法提供相应的证明,外专将不会予以延期申请。As we all know, when foreigners apply a work permit for the first time via the policy of four or six times the average wage (society), or reach a particular scores in according with the point system, they will be required to provide individual income tax certificate or bank account statement to prove they actual worked in the company for the ...
跳槽、换工作对于每个职场人来说都可能会面对的事情,员工基于自己的相关需求,可能选择辞职。若离职的员工是来华工作的外国人,离职的程序如何走?外国人入职新公司,工作许可该如何处理?今天的话题是:外国人在中国换工作,怎么办理转聘手续?Job-hopping and job-changing is something that every working person may face. Employees may choose to resign based on their own needs.If the resigned employee is a foreigner who works in China, how does the resignation procedure go? How to deal with the work permit when foreigners join the new company?接下来先跟大家解释一个转聘的概念:外国人变换了工作单位但工作岗位未变动...
根据国家外国专家局、人力资源社会保障部、外交部、公安部等4部委的有关通知,凡是来华工作的外籍人才需办理工作许可证。外籍人才需要提供无犯罪记录,同时办理公证认证手续。According to the relevant notices from the State Administration of Foreign Experts, the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and the Ministry of Public Security, all foreign talents working in China are required to apply for a work permit. Foreign talents need to provide a record of no criminality and at the same time apply for notarization and certifications.在申请外国人来华工作许可证时,...
外国人工作签证是两个证件的总称:工作许可证+居留许可签证。是用人单位为外国就业者必须要办理的合法就业手续,工作许可证是一个卡片,居留许可是贴在护照上的一种签证,而居留事由为工作。Foreigner’s work visa is actually the general name of two certificates: work permit + residence permit. It is the legal employment procedure that the employer must go through for the foreign employees. The work permit is a card, and the residence permit is a kind of visa pasted on the passport. The purpose of residence is to work.一、为什么外国人需要申请工作签证?Why do foreigners need to apply for work visa? 1. 拥...
近几年来随着中国在世界经济大舞台的地位日益重要,随之而来的是循着这股新鲜气息争相在这片拥有五千年历史的土地上大展拳脚的外国人。外国人到中国来很容易也很受欢迎,在中国找一份工作也不难。然而,办理外国人工作许可证的流程比较繁琐,不少企业因为外国人工作签证问题,放弃聘用外国人才。所以,美国签证找大鹤总结了这份简单易懂的工作签证办理全攻略和指南,和大家一起分享!As China is playing a more and more important role in the world economic stage in recent years, foreigners who have followed the new spirit of competition to make their mark on this 5,000-year-old land. Foreigners are welcome in China, and it’...
上个月公安部在京召开新闻发布会,宣布将已在16个省市的部分地区试点的12条移民与出入境便利政策推广复制,于8月1日起在全国范围内实施。那么,在十二条新政下,哪些外国人将收获申请“中国绿卡”的资格?除了“绿卡”外,新政还给外国人发了什么居留“福利”? Last month, the Ministry of Public Security held a press conference in Beijing, announcing that 12 immigration and entry-exit facilitation policies, which have been piloted in some areas of 16 provinces and municipalities, will be replicated and implemented nationwide on 1 August. So, under the twelve new policies, which foreigners will be eligible t...
近日,客服同事与公司HR确认外籍员工是否续办工作签证时发现,外籍人与单位解除劳动合同关系,离职公司并未办理注销手续,这是否正确完成办理外籍员工离职手续呢?大多数企业HR关注外籍员工入职问题,往往容易忽略离职手续办理,今天我们来聊一聊外籍员工离职这个话题。Recently, our customer service colleagues confirmed with company HR whether the foreign employees had renewed their work visas. And we found that the foreigners had terminated the labor contract relationship with the company, and the leaving company had not gone through the cancellation procedures. Is this correctly completing the procedures f...
随着外国人来华工作、创业的不断增加,对于外国人工作许可的管理也越来越严格,2017年4月1日的新的工作许可政策实施,外国人工作签证的申请比以前更加复杂和严格,所有申请者需要提供无犯罪记录证明和文凭认证。 With the increasing number of foreigners working or starting up in China, management of foreigners' work permits is becoming more and more strict. In April 1st, 2017, new work permit policy was issued and application of work visa is more complicated than ever before: all applicants need to provide certification of no criminal record and diploma.在复杂冗长的签证材料准备过程中,由于许多HR对无...