
随着时代的发展,我国对外交往活动也不断深入,越来越多的外国人选择来华工作或者创业。外国人在华就业人数的激增,同时也不可避免地产生用人单位非法用工、外国人非法就业等情形。那么,用人单位在聘用外国人时有哪些事项需要注意,又有哪些法律风险需要防范,用人单位违法聘用外国人应该承担哪些法律责任,本文结合《中华人民共和国出境入境管理法》、《中华人民共和国外国人入境出境管理条例》、《外国人在中国就业管理规定》等涉及外国人聘用的法律法规予以解答。More and more foreigners choose to work or start businesses in China with the development of the times. With the rapid growth of foreigners' employment in China, ...


《中华人民共和国出境入境管理法》第四十一条规定:外国人在中国境内工作,应当按照规定取得工作许可和工作类居留证件。任何单位和个人不得聘用未取得工作许可和工作类居留证件的外国人。“Exit and Entry Administration Law of the People’s Republic of China” Article 41: Foreigners who work in China shall obtain work permits and work-type residence permits in accordance with relevant regulations. No entities or individuals shall employ foreigners who have no work permits or work-type residence permits.按照规定,外国人来华工作必须得办理工作许可和工作类居留证件,两证齐全,才能合法工作。如何办理,是...


近期有些取得港澳永久居留权的客户咨询,关于如何注销国内户籍的问题。以深圳为例,大鹤整理了一些相关资料供您参考。Recently, some clients who have obtained permanent residence in Hong Kong and Macao asked about how to cancel their domestic registered residence. Take Shenzhen as an example, Dahe has compiled some relevant information for your reference.第一步,取得《户口注销通知》Step 1,obtain the Notification of Residence Cancellation一、申请条件 Application conditions深圳户籍居民,已合法取得外国国籍或者已合法取得外国、香港、澳门永久居留权。Residents with registered residence in Shenzhen have lega...


随着中国经济的快速发展,来华工作的外国人越来越多。我们都知道,外国人在华合法工作必须获得外国人工作许可证和工作类居留许可证,但仍然有很多企业以为只要他们持有着任意一个有效的证件或签证就算是合法工作了。今天大鹤就和大家分享一下企业聘请外籍员工常见误区都有哪些?With the rapid development of China's economy, there are more and more foreigners coming to work in China. As we all know, foreigners who work legally in China must obtain work permit and residence permit for work, but there are still many enterprises who think they are legally allowed to work as long as they have a valid document. Toda...


凡符合以下条件之一的外国人,可以申请在华永久居留:1. 中国公民或者在中国获得永久居留资格的外国人的配偶,婚姻关系存续满 5 年、已在中国连续居留满 5 年、每年在中国居留不少于 9 个月且有稳定生活保障和住所的;2. 未满 18 周岁未婚子女投靠父母的;3. 在境外无直系亲属,投靠境内直系亲属,且年满60 周岁、已在中国连续居留满 5 年、 每年在中国居留不少于9 个月并有稳定生活保障和住所的。Foreigners who meet one of the following conditions can apply for permanent residence in China:1. The spouse of a Chinese citizen or a foreigner who has obtained permanent residence status in China, who has been married for more th...


经过三年的疫情,外国人来华入境政策终于放开,下面,大鹤给大家简单总结一下2023年最新的外国人来华签证的申请要求。After three years of the epidemic, the entry policy for foreigners to China has finally been relaxed. Below, Dahe will give you a brief summary of the latest visa application requirements for foreigners to China in 2023.一、签证类型 Visa types availableC类、D类、F类、J1类、J2类、L类(参加团队旅游(5人以上)赴中国旅游人员)、M类、Q1类、Q2类、R类、S1类、S2类、X1类、X2类、Z类C, D, F, J1, J2, L visa(people who travel to China in a group tour (more than 5 people), M, Q1, Q2, R, S1, S2, X1, X2...


我们来了解一下,外国人来到中国,想在中国工作,怎样申请工作签证?Let's learn about how foreigners who come to China and want to work in China can apply for a work visa?一、外籍人士的职场路比中国员工繁琐得多The career path for foreigners is much more complicated than for Chinese employees早上10点上班打卡,晚上7点准时下班,周六日双休。这是法国人汤姆在中国的工作日常。汤姆已经在一家旅游公司工作了5年,负责中国和欧洲的旅游线路咨询事宜。Clock in at 10 am, leave on time at 7 pm, and have weekends on Saturdays and Sundays. This is the daily work of French Tom in China. Tom has been working for a tou...


目前越来越多外国人在华工作,很多未来想在中国申请中国永久居留。而申请任职类的永久居留对于申请人的薪酬和纳税都有严格的要求,外籍人员个人所得税政策较为复杂,那么如何有效防范税务风险,从而不会影响任职类中国永久居留的申请呢?大鹤给大家分享一下外籍人员个人所得税政策及管理方面的一些风险点,在国内工作的纳税人可以对照查看,避免产生纳税风险。At present, more and more foreigners are working in China, and many want to apply for permanent residence in China in the future. However, there are strict requirements on the salary and tax payment of applicants for permanent residence, and the individual income ta...


暑假即将到来,暑期班即将开启,这是一个发掘孩子们潜力的好机会。本文将介绍暑期班的教师阵容、课程介绍以及报名信息等。有意向的小朋友快快参加起来。用人单位要为拟聘用的外国人办理《外国人工作许可通知》,应提交哪些材料?What materials should the employer submit to handle the Notification Letter of Foreigner's Work Permit for the foreigner to be employed?(1)《外国人来华工作许可申请表》,该表通过申请系统在线打印,申请人签字,用人单位需加盖公章。Application Form for Work Permit for Foreigners in China. This form is printed online through the application system, signed by the applicant, and affixed ...