对违规聘用外国人的用人单位及非法就业的外国人怎样处罚?How to punish employers who employ foreigners in violation of regulations and foreigners who are employed illegally?对未申领《外国人工作许可证》擅自就业的外国人和未办理《外国人工作许可通知》擅自聘用外国人的用人单位,由公安机关按《中华人民共和国外国人入境出境管理法实施细则》第四十四条规定处理。具体为:对未经批准私自谋职的外国人,在终止其任职或就业的同时,可以处1000元以下的罚款;情节严重的,并处限期出境。对私自雇用外国人的单位和个人,在终止其雇用行为的同时,可以处5000元以上,50000元以下的罚款,并责令其承担遣送私自雇用的外国人的全部费用。Forei...
2000/11/9 |
中国绿卡 |
对被公安机关取消居留资格的外国人如何处理?How to deal with foreigners who have been disqualified by the public security organs?因违反中国法律被中国公安机关取消居留资格的外国人,用人单位应解除劳动合同,深圳市外国专家局应吊销其《外国人工作许可证》。For foreigners whose residence qualification has been cancelled by the Chinese public security organ due to violation of Chinese laws, the employer shall terminate the labor contract, and the Shenzhen Municipal Bureau of Foreign Experts Affairs shall revoke their Foreigner Work Permit.
2000/11/9 |
中国绿卡 |
外籍人士想申请深圳就业许可,是否需要提供无犯罪记录证明材料?If foreigners want to apply for Shenzhen Employment Permit, do they need to provide proof of no criminal record?应当提供由申请人国籍国或经常居住地警察、安全、法院等部门出具的无犯罪记录证明并经我驻外使、领馆认证或外国驻华使、领馆认证。在港澳特别行政区和台湾地区出具的无犯罪记录证明,应经所在地区公证机关公证。经常居住地指申请人离开国籍国最后连续居住一年以上的国家或地区,不包括在中国境内。无犯罪记录签发时间应在6个月内。A类高端人才可采用承诺制。The applicant shall provide the certificate of no criminal record issued by the police, security...
2000/11/9 |
中国绿卡 |
用人单位应当于何时与拟聘用外国人签订劳动合同?When should an employer sign a labor contract with a foreigner to be employed?用人单位与外国人签订劳动合同的时间由当事人双方自行协商确定,但《外国人工作许可证》需在劳动合同生效日期之后签发。The time of signing the labor contract between the employer and the foreigner shall be determined by both parties through negotiation, but the Foreigner Work Permit shall be issued after the effective date of the labor contract.
2000/11/9 |
中国绿卡 |
持工作签证入境的外国人怎样办理工作许可证?How do foreigners with Z visas apply for work permits?1、已办理《外国人来华工作许可通知》并持Z签入境的,可直接申请办理工作许可证。2、持其他签证或有效居留证件已入境的,符合境内申请外国人来华工作许可要求的,可境内直接申请办理工作许可证。3、不符合境内申请办理外国人来华工作许可情形,但已入境的申请人,须按境外申请外国人来华工作许可程序办理。1. Those who have handled the Notice of Foreigners' Work Permit to China and have entered China with Z visa can directly apply for a work permit.2. Those who have entered China with other visas or valid residence cer...
2000/11/9 |
中国绿卡 |