外国人非法就业:外国人在中国非法打工是怎么回事?外国人非法就业问题有着非常严重的危害性。它扰乱了我国正常的出入境管理秩序,极其容易引发涉外案件,还侵犯了我国公民的平等就业问题,甚至危害国家安全。The problem of illegal employment of foreigners is very serious. It disrupts China's normal immigration management order, it is easy to cause foreign-rela...
2000/11/11 |
中国绿卡 |
来中国当外教,在各大中城市的国际学校、英语培训机构或者中小学、早教培训班教英语,已成为老外们来中国最为体面和最受欢迎的工作。凭借自身的母语水平,不需要其他的特长和技术,就能够被众多中国学生簇拥着叫“Foreign English Teacher”,还能轻松赚取高薪,在环境非常好的地方教课,何乐而不为?Coming to China as a foreign teacher, teaching English in international...
2000/11/11 |
中国绿卡 |
中国在2017年实施了更加积极、开放和有效的外国人才政策。对于打算在中国雇用外国人的雇主,必须遵守当地有关外籍人士的法律法规。雇主必须依法成立,并且必须获得相应行业管理局的必要认证。China has implemented a more active, open and effective foreign talent policy in 2017. For those employers intending to hire foreigners in China, it is important to c...
2000/11/11 |
中国绿卡 |
随着中外人员交流往来的日益频繁,中国公民与外国公民所生子女以及中国公民在国外所生子女逐渐增多,由此带来的国籍冲突问题日益凸显,避免国籍冲突造成的不便和困难,对国籍冲突儿童的国籍认定进行规范,成为亟待解决的问题。With the increasingly frequent exchanges between Chinese and foreign personnel, the number of children born to Chinese citizens and foreign ...
2000/11/11 |
中国绿卡 |
我们都知道长期工作许可证(90天以上)有A B C类别的区分,而且必须满足条件才能办理,比较常见的是B类专业人才即本科或以上学历及两年本科后的相关工作经验,整个流程办理起来也较长。We all know that the long term work permit (over 90 days) is classified as A, B and C category, and applicant must meet the conditions to apply a work permit. It is more common f...
2000/11/11 |
中国绿卡 |