More and more foreigners choose to work or start businesses in China with the development of the times. With the rapid growth of foreigners' employment in China, it is inevitable that there will be illegal employment by employers and foreigners. Then, what matters should employers pay attention to when employing foreigners, what legal risks should employers take precautions against, and what legal responsibilities should employers bear when employing foreigners illegally. This paper combines with the “Exit and Entry Administration Law of the People’s Republic of China”, “Regulations of the people's Republic of China on the Administration of Exit and Entry”, and "Rules for the Administration of Employment of Foreigners in China" and other laws and regulations concerning employment of foreigners will be answered.
The main qualifications of the employer
Employers must be legally established corporate legal persons, association legal persons, private non-enterprise units, etc. Individual economic organizations and individual citizens within China are not allowed to hire foreigners.
法律依据:《外国人在中国就业管理规定》第三十四条:禁止个体经济组织和公民个人聘用外国人。Legal basis: “Rules for the Administration of Employment of Foreigners in China” Article 34 Individual economic organizations and private citizens are prohibited from employing foreigners.
Foreigners must meet legal requirements for employment in China.
The position for employment must be special needs and temporary shortage of suitable people in the country. At the same time, it must be at least 18 years old, healthy, have the professional skills and work experience necessary for the relevant position, have no criminal record, hold a valid passport or other International travel documents and other requirements.
Legal basis: “Rules for the Administration of Employment of Foreigners in China” Article 6 The post to be filled by the foreigner recruited by the employer shall be the post of special need, a post that cannot be filled by any domestics candidates for the time being but violates no government regulations. No employer shall employ foreigners to engage in commercialized entertaining performance, except for the persons qualified under Article 9(3) of these Rules.
Legal basis: “Rules for the Administration of Employment of Foreigners in China” Article 7 Any foreigners seeking employment in China shall meet the following conditions (1) 18 years of age or older and in good health; (2) with professional skills and job experience required for the work of intended employment; (3) with no criminal record; (4) a clearly-defined employer; (5) with valid passport other international travel documents in lieu of the passport (hereinafter referred to as the “travel document”).
Foreigners must have two complete certificates for employment in China.
Foreigners should obtain work permit and work-type residence permit in accordance with the requirements before they can legally work in China.
Legal basis: “Exit and Entry Administration Law of the People’s Republic of China” Article 41 Foreigners who work in China shall obtain work permits and work-type residence permits in accordance with relevant regulations. No entities or individuals shall employ foreigners who have no work permits or work-type residence permits.
The employer shall provide working conditions, welfare benefits and social insurance in accordance with the law.
The employer must sign the labor contract with foreigners according to law, but the maximum period shall not exceed 5 years. The contract can be renewed only after the contract expires. The wage paid to the foreigners shall not be lower than the local minimum wage standard. The working hours, rest and vacation, labor safety and health and social insurance for foreigners employed in China shall be implemented in accordance with the relevant provisions of the state.
Legal basis: “Rules for the Administration of Employment of Foreigners in China” Article 18 The employer and its foreign employee should, in accordance with law, conclude a labor contract, the term of which shall not exceed five years such contract may be renewed upon expiration after the completion of clearance process in accordance with.
Legal basis: “Rules for the Administration of Employment of Foreigners in China” Article 22 The wage paid to the foreign employee by the employer shall not be lower than the minimum wage in the locality.
Legal basis: “Rules for the Administration of Employment of Foreigners in China” Article 23 The working hours, rest and vacation, work safety and hygiene as well as the social security of the foreign employees in China shall follow the relevant provisions of the state.
If there is any change in the registration items of the foreigner’s residence permit, it needs to apply to the relevant department for the change.
After the passport number, work unit, purpose of residence, etc. are changed, the change procedures must be completed within ten days.
法律依据:《中华人民共和国出入境管理法》第三十三条 外国人居留证件的登记项目包括:持有人姓名、性别、出生日期、居留事由、居留期限,签发日期、地点,护照或者其他国际旅行证件号码等。外国人居留证件登记事项发生变更的,持证件人应当自登记事项发生变更之日起十日内向居留地县级以上地方人民政府公安机关出入境管理机构申请办理变更。
Legal basis: “Exit and Entry Administration Law of the People’s Republic of China” Article 33 The registered items of a foreign residence permit shall include name, sex, date of birth, reason for residence and duration of residence of the holder, date and place of issuance, passport number or other international travel documents number. Where the registered item in a foreigner’s residence permit has changed, the holder shall, within 10 days from the date of change, apply to the exit/entry administration of public security organ under the local people’s government at or above the county level in the place of residence for going through the formalities for alteration.
6.非法就业行为Ilegal employment
Legal basis: “Exit and Entry Administration Law of the People’s Republic of China” Article 43 Any of the following acts of foreigners shall be deemed unlawful employment: (1) Work in China without obtaining work permits or work-type residence permits inaccordance with relevant regulations; (2) Work in China beyond the scopeprescribed in the work permits; or (3) Foreign students work in violation ofthe regulations on the administration of foreign students working to support their study in China and work beyond the prescribed scope of jobs or prescribed time limit.
Legal consequences of illegal employment of foreigners by employers
For illegal employment, the employer will face a fine of up to RMB100,000 yuan and foreigner may face the legal consequences of fines, detention and even deportation.
Legal basis: “Exit and EntryAdministration Law of the People’s Republic of China” Article 80 Foreigners who work in China illegally shall be fined not less than RMB 5,000 but not more than RMB 20,000 yuan; where circumstances are serious, they shall be detained for not less than five days but not more than fifteen days and shall also befined not less than RMB 5,000 yuan but not more than RMB 20,000 yuan. Persons who introduce jobs to ineligible foreigners shall be fined RMB 5,000 yuan for each job illegally introduced to one foreigner, with a cap of not more than RMB50,000 yuan in total; and entities that introduce jobs to ineligible foreigners shall be fined RMB 5,000 yuan for each job illegally introduced to one foreigner,with a cap of RMB 100,000 yuan in total; and the illegal gains, if any, shall be confiscated. Individuals or entities that illegally employ foreigners shall be fined RMB 10,000 yuan for each illegally employed foreigner, with a cap of RMB 100,000 yuan in total; and the illegal gains, if any, shall be confiscated.
Dahe reminds employers that they should also pay special attention to the daily management of foreign employees to ensure that the relevant documents for hiring foreigners are complete and effective. When hiring foreigners, they should comply with laws and regulations and should not take chances. It is recommended to consult professionals to avoid unnecessary influence and loss. Welcome to contact us at any times.
【大鹤注重对客户的隐私保护】每天都会有潜在的客户加我微信号,但是,我从来不会主动问客户的姓名、身份、年龄、职业,以及客户最隐秘的护照号码,这些都属于客户的隐私。我可以告诉客户正确申请美国签证的步骤、流程、奥秘,以及入境避免被遣返的风险。办理、策划、咨询、均可,文字沟通或者语音连线都是可以的,客户的护照号、姓名等关键隐私信息也不需要告诉我。申请美签的客户呢,也尽可能不要把你的护照号、姓名告诉任何人。 这样可以保护你的个人隐私。
合并起来美国签证找大鹤 微信号:usadahe
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- 2024年5月美国移民新排期
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- 美国签证终身拒签怎么办?
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访美必读 DS-160 大鹤随笔 美国见闻 社会生活 大鹤讲故事 美国求职招聘 美国华人 洛杉矶美食 诉讼指南 洛杉矶律师 美国签证 美国移民 美国福利 美国紧急电话 美国打工签证 美国签证拒签率 美国财税 美国签证拒签怎么办 美国绿卡 美国留学签证 山西美国签证代办公司 美国护照 美国法律 美国出入境相关法律 美国生子相关(美宝) 入境美国 2023年美国签证 快速移民美国 2023年美国移民 身份延期和身份转换 2023年美国签证最新消息 美国SB-1签证 中国法律 美国留学相关话题 美国签证申请流程步骤相关 2023年美国绿卡最新消息 政治庇护 美国Q1签证 美国签证办理机构公司 美国签证拒签再签 美国签证申请加急流程 美国签证通过率 美国移民签证 美国工作签证拿绿卡 美国签证保签 特殊渠道 美国L1签证 2023年美国移民最新消息 美国报税相关话题 美国生活实用法律 美国工作签证H1B签证 美国OPT郑策 美国结婚绿卡 美国准绿卡E2签证 美国职业移民 疫情期间如何去美国 美国商务签证 2023年美国入境政策 美国签证行政审查 美签攻略(美国签证攻略) 美国工作签证 回美证和回美签证 申请美国签证 美国J1签证 美国学生签证 美国工卡 美国旅游签证 入籍美国 美国电子签证EVUS更新系统 美国护照 美国合法工作CPT 办理美国签证需要哪些条件 美签公司代办美国签证 美国移民V92签证 美国AS6绿卡回国问题 美国签证办理 中国需要办理美国签证的城市 美国绿卡过期 美国结婚证 E1E2E3 美国P1签证 H1B工作签证 I-601A 美国杰出人才 B1B2签证 美签刷本 美国生活常用英语 美国生活常识 美国签证官 美国签证被注销(吊销 美国签证拒签原因 美国签证拒签怎么办? 美国婚姻签证 美国非法实习 SSN社安号 美国驾照 美国白卡 美国打黑工 欧洲申根签证 美国社安卡 美国EAD工签 evus登记 申请美国Combo卡 出入境通行证 美国生孩子 美国公民去欧洲签证 I407 美国永久居民 美国亲属移民 美国O-1签证 美国出生证 美国K签证 美国特殊青少年绿卡(SIJ) i551章过期 I-751 美国工签 IR签证 婚姻移民 美国K1未婚签证 EB1 美国职业移民 I-485 CR1 美国U签证 I-601豁免 美国J签证 入境美国考题 美国同性恋婚姻绿卡 I-864经济担保 美国T类签证 美国R1工作签证 入境美国遭遇遣返 SAT 美签代办 ETIAS(欧洲旅游信息和授权系统) ESTA 美国签证预约日期时间 美国NIW移民 偷渡走线非法入境 美国白卡 美国红蓝卡 美国EB-1A杰出人才移民 EB2美国绿卡 美国AVR政策 CSPA V92签证 美国优才移民 I730 中国绿卡 J1J2签证 CRBA IR5移民 美国绿卡丢了怎么办? 美国TN签证 经济担保人 I-551章 加急移民局办案 B2签证转F1签证 美国签证种类 CW/E2C签证 国际生 F4签证 OPT申请相关 美国商婚 移民机构办理EB1C/EB3可提供中美公司B1签证.B2签证.F1签证.DS160填写奥秘,润色加分DS160表,申请美国签证面谈加分策划,美国工卡,绿卡,商婚,H1B工签,K1签证,J1签证,L1签证,政庇,U类签,EB1A,NIW,EB1C,EB3,EB5,美签拒签原因查询,美国工作安排,美国公民婚姻资源对接,雇主担保移民,赴美生子全程协助.美国移民类签证,美国非移民类签证以及出境入境的方案策略,24小时全球接单!