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最近美国移民局USCIS,对于公民入籍考试题库进行了新的变革,由 原来的100题增加到128题。但都是英文版本,美国签证找大鹤将其翻译成中文版本,方便公民申请者更好的阅读和记忆。只要你背熟,基本考试不会有问题。顺便要提醒一下,考试由原来的10题增加到20题。依旧需要60%的通过率才可以通过考试。所以你本来只要答对6题,现在你必须答对12题才可以通过考试。所以希望所有公民入籍的申请者,可以复习看以下中英文版本的题库,争取一次通过。

A: Principles of American Government 美国政府原则    

1. What is the form of government of the United States?美国的政府形式是什么?

· Republic 共和国

· Constitution-based federal republic基于宪法的联邦共和国

· Representative democracy代议制民主

2. What is the supreme law of the land? 该国的最高法律是什么?

· (U.S.) Constitution(美国)宪法

3. Name one thing theU.S. Constitution does列举一项美国宪法的

· Forms the government 组建政府

· Defines powers of government 定义政府权力

· Defines the parts of government 定义政府部门

· Protects the rights of the people 保护人民的权利

4. The U.S. Constitution starts with the words "We the People.” What does "We the People" mean?美国宪法以“我们人民”开头。“我们人民”是什么意思?

· Self-government 自治政府 

· Popular sovereignty 人民主权

· Consent of the governed 同意被统治 

· People should govern themselves人们应该管治自己

·  (Example of) social contract 社会契约

5. How are changes made to the U.S.Constitution?如何修改美国宪法?

· Amendments 修正案

·The amendment process 修改程序

6. What does the Bill of Rights protect?人权法案保护什么?

· (The basic) rights of Americans美国人的(基本)权利

· (The basic) rights of people living in the United States 在美国居住的人的(基本)权利

7. How many amendments does the U.S.Constitution have?美国宪法有几项修正案?*

· Twenty-seven (27) 二十七(27)

8. Why is the Declaration of Independence important?《独立宣言》为何重要?

· It says America is free from British control.它说美国不受英国的控制

· It says all people are created equal.它说所有人都是平等的。

· It identifies inherent rights.它确定了继承权

· It identifies individual freedoms.它确定了个人自由

9. What founding document said theAmerican colonies were free from Britain?什么创始文件说美国殖民地摆脱了英国的统治?

· Declaration of Independence 独立宣言

10. Name two important ideas from the Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution.从《独立宣言》和《美国宪法》中列举两个重要的思想。 

·  Equality平等

· Liberty自由

· Social contract社会契约

· Natural rights自然权利 

· Limited government有限的政府 

· Self-government自治政府

11. The words "Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness" are in what founding document?哪个文件中有“生命,自由和追求幸福”一词?

· Declaration of Independence 独立宣言

12. What is the economic system of the United States?美国的经济制度是什么?

· Capitalism 资本主义

·  Free market economy 自由市场经济

13. What is the rule of law?法治是什么?

·  Everyone must follow the law. 每个人都必须遵守法律

·  Leaders must obey the law. 领导人必须遵守法律

·  Government must obey the law. 政府必须遵守法律

·  No one is above the law. 没有人能凌驾于法律之上

14. Many documents influenced the U.S.Constitution. Name one.许多文件影响了美国宪法,举一个例子:

·  Declaration of Independence 独立宣言

·  Articles of Confederation 联邦条款

·  Federalist Papers 联邦主义者论文

·  Anti-Federalist Papers 反联邦主义者的论文

·  Virginia Declaration of Rights 弗吉尼亚权利宣言

·  Fundamental Orders of Connecticut康涅狄格基本法令

·  Mayflower Compact 五月花号公约

·  Iroquois Great Law of Peace 易洛魁和平大法则

15. There are three branches of government. Why?政府分为三个分支,为什么?

· So one part does not become too powerful所以一部分不会变得太强大

·  Checks and balances 制衡

·  Separation of powers 分权

B: System of Government 政府体制

16. Name the three branches of government.命名政府的三个分支。

· Legislative, executive, and judicial 立法,行政和司法· Congress, president, and the courts 国会,总统和法院

17. The President of the United Statesis in charge of which branch of government?美国总统负责哪个政府部门?

·  Executive branch 行政部门

18. What part of the federal government writes laws?联邦政府的哪个分支制定法律?

·  (U.S.) Congress (美国)国会

·  (U.S. or national) legislature(美国或国家)立法机关·   Legislative branch 立法部门

19. What are the two parts of the U.S. Congress?美国国会有哪两个部分组成?

· Senate and House (of Representatives)参议院和众议院

20. Name one power of the U.S. Congress.列举美国国会的一项权力。

· Writes laws 制定法律

· Declares war 宣战

· Makes the federal budget 制定联邦预算

21. How many U.S. senators are there?美国参议院有几名美国参议员?

·One hundred (100)一百(100)

22. How long is a term for a U.S.senator?美国参议员的任期多长时间? 

· Six (6) years 六(6)年

23. Who is one of your state’s U.S. senators now?谁是您所在州的美国参议员之一?

· Answers will vary. [District of Columbia residents and residents of U.S. territories should answer that D.C. (or the territory wherethe applicant lives) has no U.S. senators.答案会不一样。[哥伦比亚特区和美国海外领土的居民应回答哥伦比亚特区(或申请人居住的海外领土)没有美国参议员。

24. How many voting members are in the House of Representatives?众议院有多少投票成员?

· Four hundred thirty-five (435)  435个

25. How long is a term for a member of the House of Representatives?众议院议员任期多长时间?

· Two (2) years 两(2)年

26. Why do U.S. representatives serve shorter terms than U.S. senators?为什么美国众议院任期比美国参议员的任期短?

· To more closely follow public opinion能更好地吸收和地遵循公众意见

27. How many senators does each state have?每个州有多少名参议员?

· Two (2)两(2)

28. Why does each state have two senators?为什么每个州都有两名参议员?

· Equal representation (for small states) 平等代表权(适用于小州)

·The Great Compromise (Connecticut Compromise)康涅狄格妥协案

29. Name your U.S. representative in your state. 举例一名你所在州的众议员。

· Answers will vary. [Residents of territories with nonvoting Delegates or Resident Commissioners may provide the name of that Delegate or Commissioner. Also acceptable is any statement that the territory has no (voting) representatives in Congress.答案会不一样。[具有不带表决权的代表或常驻专员的领土居民可以提供该代表或专员的姓名。关于该领土在国会没有(表决)代表的任何声明也可以接受。

30. What is the name of the Speaker of the House of Representatives now?众议院议长现在叫什么名字?

· 目前是Nancy Pelosi (以后会有变化)

31. Who does a U.S. senator represent?美国参议员代表谁?· Citizens of their state 他们州的公民

32. Who elects U.S. senators?谁选出美国参议员?

·Citizens from their state 来自该州的公民

33. Who does a member of the House of Representatives represent?众议院议员代表谁?

·Citizens in their (congressional) district代表其所在(国会)区的公民

·Citizens in their district 他们所在地区的公民

34. Who elects members of the House of Representatives? 谁选出众议院议员?

· Citizens from their (congressional) district 来自(国会)区的公民

35. Some states have more representatives than other states. Why?一些州的众议院人数超过其他州。为什么?

· (Because of) the state’s population (因为)该州的人口· (Because) they have more people(因为)他们有更多的人·  (Because) some states have more people(因为)某些州有更多的人

36. The President of the United Statesis elected for how many years?美国总统每届任期多少年?

· Four (4) years  四(4)年

37. The President of the United Statescan serve only two terms. Why?美国总统只能担任两个任期。为什么?

·  (Because of) the 22nd Amendmen(因为)第22修正案

·  To keep the president from becoming too powerful防止总统变得过于强大

38. What is the name of the President of the United States now?美国总统现在的名字是什么?

·  目前特朗普(以后会有变化)

39. What is the name of the Vice President of the United States now?* 现在美国副总统叫什么名字?

·  目前迈克彭斯(以后会有变化)

40. If the president can no longer serve, who becomes president? 如果总统中途不能任职,谁将成为总统? 

·  The Vice President (of the United States)(美国)副总统

41. Name one power of the president.  列举总统的一项权力。·  Signs bills into law   将法案签署为法律                  

·  Vetoes bills  否决法案                                         

·  Enforces laws 执行法律

·  Commander in Chief (of the military) 三军总帅

·   Chief diplomat 首席外交官 

42. Who is Commander in Chief of the U.S. military?美军总司令是谁?

· The President (of the United States)美国总统

43. Who signs bills to become laws?谁签署法案成为法律?

·  The President (of the United States) 美国总统

44. Who vetoes bills谁否决了法案?

·  The President (of the United States) 美国总统

45. Who appoints federal judges? 谁任命联邦法官?

· The President (of the United States) 美国总统

46. The executive branch has many parts.Name one.行政部门包括许多部分。举一个

· President (of the United States)(美国)总统

· Cabinet 内阁

· Federal departments and agencies联邦部门和机构 

47. What does the President’s Cabinet do?总统内阁做什么?

· Advises the President (of the United States)为(美国)总统提供建议

48. What are two Cabinet-level positions?列举内阁两个职位?

· Attorney General 总检察长

· Secretary of Agriculture 农业部长

·Secretary of Commerce 商务部长

·Secretary of Defense 国防部长

· Secretary of Education  教育部长                

· Secretary of Energy   能源部长    

 · Secretary of Health and Human Services 卫生和公共服务部长

· Secretary of Homeland Security 国土安全部长

· Secretary of Housing and Urban Development住房和城市发展部长

· Secretary of the Interior 内政部长

· Secretary of Labor 劳工部长

· Secretary of State  国务卿

· Secretary of Transportation 交通运输部长

· Secretary of the Treasury 财政部长

· Secretary of Veterans Affairs 退伍军人事务部长

·  Vice President (of the United States)(美国)副总统

49. Why is the Electoral College important?总统选举团为何重要? 

·  It decides who is elected president. 它决定谁当选总统

·  It provides a compromise between the popular               election of the president and congressional                   selection.  在总统大选与国会选举之间做出折衷

50. What is one part of the judicial branch?司法部门的一部分是什么?

· Supreme Court 最高法院

· Federal Courts 联邦法院 

51. What does the judicial branch do? 司法部门做什么? 

· Reviews laws 审查法律

· Explains laws 解释法律

· Resolves disputes (disagreements) about the law 解决有关法律的争议(分歧)

· Decides if a law goes against the(U.S.)Constitution 决定法律是否违反(美国)宪法 

52. What is the highest court in the United States?美国最高法院是什么?

· Supreme Court 最高法院

53. How many seats are on the Supreme Court?最高法院有几个法官席位?

· Nine (9) 九(9)

54. How many Supreme Court justices are usually needed to decide a case?决定一个案件通常需要多少位最高法院法官通过?

· Five (5)五(5)

55. How long do Supreme Court justices serve? 最高法院大法官任职多长时间?

· (For) life 终生

· Lifetime appointment 终身任命

· (Until) retirement(直到)退休

56. Supreme Court justices serve for life. Why?最高法院大法官任职是终身的。为什么?

·To be independent (of politics) 使法官独立于(政治)

· To limit outside (political) influence限制其外部(政治)影响

57. Who is the Chief Justice of the United States now? 现在谁是美国最高法院首席大法官?

·John G. Roberts (以后会有变化)

58. Name one power that is only for the federal government.列出仅适用于联邦政府的一种权力。 

· Print paper money 印刷货币

·  Mint coins  铸造硬币

·  Declare war 宣战 

· Create an army 建立一支军队

· Make treaties 订立条约 

· Set foreign policy 制定外交政策 

59. Name one power that is only for the states.列出仅适用于各州的一种权力。

·  Provide schooling and education 提供上学和教育

·  Provide protection (police) 提供保护(警察)

· Provide safety (fire departments)提供安全(消防部门) 

· Give a driver’s license 颁发驾驶执照

· Approve zoning and land use 批准分区和土地使用

60. What is the purpose of the 10th Amendment?第十修正案的目的是什么? 

· (It states that the) powers not given to the federal government belong to the states or to the people.(声明)未赋予联邦政府的权力,属于州或人民。

61. Who is the governor of your state now?您现在的州长是谁?

·Answers will vary. [District of Columbia residents shouldanswer that D.C. does not have a governor.答案会不一样。[哥伦比亚特区居民区应回答哥伦比亚特区没有州长。

62. What is the capital of your state?您所在州的首都是什么?·  Answers will vary. [District of Columbia residents shouldanswer that D.C. is not a state and does not have a capital. Residents of U.S.territories should name the capital of the territory.答案会不一样。[哥伦比亚特区居民应回答哥伦比亚特区不是州,也没有首都。美国海外领土的居民应说该领土的首府。

C: Rights and Responsibilities C:权利和责任

63. There are four amendments to the U.S. Constitution about who can vote. Describe one of them. 美国宪法对谁可以投票有四项修正。描述其中之一。

· Citizens eighteen (18) and older (can vote).十八(18)岁以上的公民(可以投票)。

·  You don’t have to pay (a poll tax) to vote. 您无需支付投票税·   Any citizen can vote. (Women and men can vote.)任何公民都可以投票。(男女都可以投票。)

·A male citizen of any race (can vote).任何种族的男性公民(可以投票)。

64. Who can vote in federal elections,run for federal office, and serve on a jury in the United States?


·  Citizens 市民

·  Citizens of the United States 美国公民

·  U.S. citizens 美国公民

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