外国人在中国如何合法工作?大鹤给大家普及一个法律常识:介绍外国人非法就业和非法聘用外国人都是违法,介绍外国人非法就业每人处罚5000元,非法聘用外国人每人处罚10000元。非法入境外国人、非法居留外国人、非法就业外国人、遣送出境。所以美国签证找大鹤再次提醒:不要非法聘用外国人、聘请外籍佣人也是违法行为。问题一:什么是外国人在中国就业?What is foreign employment in China?美国签证找大鹤解答:根据《外国人在中...
2013/11/8 |
中国绿卡 |
很多在华的外国工作人员,申请的工作类居留许可之后,也需要为他们的随行家属(父母、配偶或者子女)申请在华签证,而私人事务类居留许可,就是满足他们的需求。Many foreign workers in China also need to help their accompanying family members (parents, spouses or children) apply for visas after applying for residence permits for work, and residence permits for personal affairs can meet their needs. 但是...
2009/11/8 |
中国绿卡 |
很多客户在咨询过程中分不清团聚类居留许可和私人事务类居留许可,为了让大家快速区分出这两者的不同,大鹤今天给大家做出以下归纳总结。Many clients are unable to distinguish between reunion residence permits and private affairs residence permits during the consultation process. In order to let you quickly distinguish their differences, Dahe respectively gives you the following summary.居留许可是允许外籍...
2009/11/8 |
中国绿卡 |
外籍人士在华签证逾期常见问题Q&A,最近有些客户向大鹤反馈,如果不小心签证到期逾期在国内,会有哪些风险?是否会影响后续来华签证的申请?对此我们结合相关法律法规与大家共同学习,在华签证逾期将会遇到哪些处罚的情况。Recently, some customers have provided feedback on the risks of visa expiration and overdue in China? Will it affect subsequent visa applications to China? We will combine relevant laws and...
2009/11/8 |
中国绿卡 |
近年来,许多外籍优秀应届毕业生以及青年人才被吸引来华工作,那么他们是否都符合办理外国人来华工作许可,外国人如何申请在中国合法工作许可呢?大鹤今天给大家分享一下相关政策。In recent years, many foreign outstanding graduates and young talents have been attracted to work in China, so whether they are eligible for foreigners to work in China permit, how to apply? Dahe will share the relevant policies wit...
2009/11/8 |
中国绿卡 |