According to Article 41 of the law of the people's Republic of China on exit and entry administration, foreigners working in China shall obtain work permits and work type residence certificates in accordance with the provisions. No unit or individual may employ foreigners who have not obtained work permits or work type residence certificates. So, what are the conditions and procedures for obtaining a work permit for foreigners in China? Dahe will briefly introduce to everyone.
Overseas Application for Foreigner’s Work Permit in China (above and excluding 90 days)
申请条件Conditions for Application:申请人在境外或持其他签证入境,但不符合境内申请外国人来华工作许可条件的申请人。
Applicants that are abroad or have entered China with other visas but are not eligible for domestic application for Foreigner’s Work Permit in China.
办理流程Handling Procedures:
Step 1: Apply for Notification Letter of Foreigner’s Work Permit (before entry; when the application is passed, download the Notification Letter from the system and print it).
Step 2: Apply for a work visa and enter China with it (usually the work visa is handled by the Chinese embassy in the corresponding country; if the applicant is already in China, then apply for a work residence permit at the Exit and Entry Administration. Website of the Exit and Entry Administration: https://wgfw.ga.sz.gov.cn/user/wgrfwpt)
Step 3: Apply for Foreigner’s Work Permit (after entry).
Step 4: Work residence permit (apply at the Exit and Entry Administration:https://wgfw.ga.sz.gov.cn/user/wgrfwpt)
If it is handled on the Integrated Service and Management Platform, when the Notification Letter in Step 1 is obtained and the applicant is within China, Foreigner’s Work Permit and Work Residence Permit can be directly applied for (check the option of residence permit when applying for Foreigner’s Work Permit (after entry) to get the two at the same time).
Domestic Application for Foreigner’s Work Permit in China
申请条件Conditions for Application:
The applicant must satisfy any of the following conditions:
(1) Foreign high-end talents (Class A) already in China with other visas or valid residence permits;
(2) Foreigners working in China that change the employing unit but not the working post (occupation) and the work residence permit is still valid;
(3) The foreign spouse or child of a Chinese citizen or the spouse or child of a foreigner that permanently lives or works in China, with valid visa or residence permit;
(4) Applying for the Work Permit with an R visa;
(5) Satisfying relevant preferential policies of the free trade zone or the pilot reform zone for all-round innovation;
(6) The employing unit satisfies relevant preferential policies in China;
(7) Internal personnel transfer of enterprise groups;
(8) Under an intergovernmental agreement;
(9) Representatives of foreign institutions in China that have entered China with a work visa; foreigners that have a 90-day work permit in China and have been legally employed in China during their stay;
(10) Other cases that are considered eligible by the approval authority.
If the applicant is already in China but does not satisfy any of the conditions above, overseas application for the Work Permit still applies
办理流程Handling Procedures:
1. Foreigner’s Work Permit in China
2. Work Residence Permit (apply at the Exit and Entry Administration: wgfw.ga.sz.gov.cn/user/wgrfwpt)
If it is handled on the Integrated Service and Management Platform, Foreigner’s Work Permit and Work Residence Permit can be directly applied for (check the option of residence permit during domestic application for Foreigner’s Work Permit to get the two at the same time).
2016/11/29 | Tags: | 访美必读 | 申请美国签证被拒签了怎么办?美签214B
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