失业后无法及时找到新工作怎么办?移民局之前在推特上明确表示:允许用B1/B2签证在美国找工作。因此,对于无法在H-1B 60天grace period内找到新工作做H-1B transfer的小伙伴来说,转B1/B2签证留在美国继续面试不失为一个好的选择。
美国签证找大鹤解答:可以。虽然B签不允许有移民倾向,但移民倾向不是指你在久远的未来是否想移民, 而是特指你申请某种签证时、或用某种签证入境时是否怀着会在签证期满时及时离境的想法。比如,虽然你有I-140获批,但你在本次申请B签之时确实只想在美国短期逗留,期满就走,那么你就算作是在当下没有移民倾向(之后想法改变是允许的)。
如果找到了新工作,可以让新雇主及时提交H-1B申请,帮你选在境内转换身份并使用加急服务。移民局明确表示,如果新的H-1B I-129申请使用加急服务的话,移民局会按15天的加急时间线同时审理你的H-1B以及pending的I-539,因此你会同时得到B1/B2 + H1B的审理结果。这样B1/B2完美起到了桥梁作用,你整个过程都无需离境。
Q: Will my pending 1-539 change of status application to B-1 or B-2 be prioritized if I find a new
employer who files an l-129 petition with a request for premium processing service?
A: If an employer files a Form 1-129 petition on your behalf, along with a request for premium processing
service, USCIS will generally process the pending 1-539 and the 1-129 together during the premium processing
timeframe and issue concurrent decisions. This means there should be no delay in adjudication of the l-129
because of the pending 1-539. No formal request is required for the pending 1-539 to be prioritized. If USCIS
approves the 1-129 petition, including any requested change of status, then you generally will obtain the
nonimmigrant status requested on the l-129 petition (not the 1-539), and may begin workin. you oeneral!y
would not need to depart the United States to obtain the requested nonimmigrant status in tims stenne
2013/8/26 | Tags:B2签证,H1B工作签证 | 美国工作签证H1B签证 | 申请美国签证被拒签了怎么办?美签214B