



What is foreign employment in China?


According to Article 2 of the Regulations on the Administration of Employment of Foreigners in China, the term "foreigner" referred to in this regulation refers to a person who does not hold Chinese nationality in accordance with the Nationality Law of the People's Republic of China; The term "foreigner employment in China" mentioned in this regulation refers to the behavior of foreigners who have not obtained the right to settle in China and engage in social labor in accordance with the law and receive labor remuneration.


How to punish employers who illegally hire foreigners and foreigners who illegally work?



For foreigners who engage in employment without applying for a "Foreigner Work Permit" and employers who hire foreigners without applying for a "Foreigner Work Permit Notice", the public security organs shall handle them in accordance with Article 44 of the Implementation Rules of the Law of the People's Republic of China on the Administration of Entry and Exit of Foreigners. Specifically:

Foreigners who seek employment without approval may be fined not more than 1000 yuan while terminating their employment or employment; If the circumstances are serious, the offender shall be ordered to leave the country within a specified time limit.

Units and individuals who hire foreigners without permission may be fined not less than 5000 yuan but not more than 50000 yuan at the same time as terminating their employment behavior, and be ordered to bear all the expenses for the removal of the privately hired foreigners.



What are the necessary conditions for foreigners to work in Shenzhen?

1)申请人应年满18 周岁,身体健康,无犯罪记录,境内有确定的合法用人单位,具有从事其工作所必需的专业技能或相适应的学位。









1) The applicant should be at least 18 years old, in good health, without criminal record, with a confirmed legal employer within the country, and possess the necessary professional skills or corresponding degrees to engage in their work.

2) The applicant is a urgently needed professional in China, and the work they are engaged in meets the needs of China's economic and social development.

3) If there are other provisions in laws and regulations regarding foreigners working in China, such provisions shall prevail.

Foreign high-end talents (Class A)

Foreign high-end talents refer to scientists, technology leading talents, international entrepreneurs, specialized special talents, etc. who meet the requirements of "high precision and shortage" and market demand orientation, as well as the requirements of China's economic and social development, as well as talents who meet the criteria for calculating points for foreign high-end talents. Foreign high-end talents are not limited by age, educational background, and work experience. Please refer to the classification standards for foreigners working in China (Trial) for details.

Foreign Professional Talents (Class B)

Foreign professional talents refer to those who meet the guidance catalog and job requirements for foreigners coming to China and are urgently needed for economic and social development. They have a bachelor's degree or above and 2 years or more of relevant work experience, and are not more than 60 years old; For those who truly need to meet the standards of innovation and entrepreneurship talents, professional skills talents, outstanding foreign graduates, foreign professional talents who meet the point scoring criteria, and those who implement intergovernmental agreements or agreements, restrictions such as age, education, or work experience may be appropriately relaxed. Please refer to the classification standards for foreigners working in China (Trial) for details. If the state has regulations for specialized personnel and government project personnel, such regulations shall prevail.

Other foreign personnel (Class C)

Other foreign personnel refer to other foreign personnel who meet the needs of the domestic labor market and comply with national policies and regulations. Please refer to the classification standards for foreigners working in China (Trial) for details.


Is there an age limit for foreigners working in Shenzhen?


Must be at least 18 years old. There is no age limit for Class A foreign high-end talents. The upper age limit for B-type professional talents generally does not exceed 60 years old. For those who truly need to meet the standards of innovation and entrepreneurship talents, professional skills talents, outstanding foreign graduates, foreign professional talents who meet the point scoring criteria, and those who implement intergovernmental agreements or agreements, the age, educational background, or work experience restrictions may be appropriately relaxed.


I am a foreigner and would like to apply for an employment permit in Shenzhen. Do I need to provide proof of no criminal record?





A certificate of no criminal record issued by the police, security, court, or other authorities in the applicant's country of nationality or habitual residence, and certified by our embassy or consulate abroad or by a foreign embassy or consulate in China, should be provided.

A certificate of no criminal record issued in the Hong Kong Macao Special Administrative Region and Taiwan region should be notarized by the local notary office.

Regular residence refers to the country or region where the applicant has resided continuously for more than one year after leaving the country of nationality, excluding China.

The issuance time of no criminal record should be within 6 months. A-class high-end talents can adopt a commitment system.


I am a shareholder of a certain company and do not hold any positions within the company. May I know in what capacity should I apply for the 'Foreigner Work Permit'?


Shareholders of the enterprise belong to investors, and if they do not directly participate in the operation and management of the enterprise and do not hold any positions in the enterprise, they do not need to apply for a Foreign Work Permit.


How do foreigners entering China with other visas apply for a work permit?




Those who have obtained the "Foreigner Work Permit Notice" and enter China with a Z visa can directly apply for a work permit.

Those who have entered China with other visas or valid residence documents and meet the requirements for applying for a foreign work permit in China can directly apply for a work permit in China.

Applicants who do not meet the requirements for applying for a foreign work permit in China but have already entered the country must follow the procedures for applying for a foreign work permit in China.


When should the employer sign a labor contract with the intended foreigner?


The time for the employer to sign a labor contract with a foreigner shall be determined by both parties through mutual consultation, but the "Foreigner Work Permit" must be issued after the effective date of the labor contract.


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